USS Arizona Individual Survivor Profiles with Photos
USS Arizona Survivors List Organized Alphabetically
335 Survivors - 320 USN | 15 USMC
Additional information about USS Arizona Casualties & Survivors
View USS Arizona USMC Extended Survivors List - PDF Compiled by Major Jim Geiser, USMCR
This USS Arizona Survivors List was updated 13 May 2007 to include Dayton Merrill Genest who we discovered was left off the original survivors list and, sadly, still does not appear on most lists today.
Dayton Merrill Genest survived the attack on Pearl Harbor and was transferred to USS Monaghan. He survived the sinking of the Monaghan during Typhoon Cobra east of the Philippines on 18 December 1944 but died the next day on the life raft. Dayton's USS Arizona shipmate and fellow survivor, Donald Arthur Culp, was also transferred to the Monaghan and did not survive the typhoon. Both men are memorialized at Fort William McKinley, Manila, the Philippines
John MacRay Baker, Sgt | Edward James Braham, PFC | Frank R Cabiness, PFC |
Edward J Carter, PltSgt | James Evans Cory, PFC | John Paul Coursey, 1LT |
Lamar Smead Crawford, PFC | John Horatio Earle, Jr., CAPT | Kenneth Dale Goodman, PFC |
Charles L Hardy, Pvt | Russell John McCurdy, Pvt | Earl C Nightingale, Cpl |
Alan Shapley, MAJ | Michael Soley, Cpl | Donald George Young, PFC |
Charles Andrew Amacher, S1/c | John Delmar Anderson, BM2/c | Walter Franklin Bagby, SF3/c |
Masten A Ball, F1/c | Galen Owen Ballard, F1/c | DeWayne Barth, BM1/c |
Edward Forester Bass, F2/c | William Nicholas Baumeister, ACMMP | Harvey Herman Becker, GM2/c |
Edwin Wallace Bemis, S1/c | Earl Dean Bennett, GM3/c | George Anthony Berdollt, FC3/c |
Leroy Alexander Bird, CTC | Estelle Birdsell, MM1/c | Daniel Thomas Birtwell, Jr, LCDR |
Edward Raymond Bodey, BM2/c | Andrew Jackson Bowen, Jr., CMMA | Harry Frederick Bradshaw, S1/c |
John Braydis, S1/c | Gene Rachar Brown, S1/c | Robert James Browning, S2/c |
John Franklin Bruce, GM3/c | Lauren Fay Bruner, FC3/c | Martin Benjamin Bruns, Y2/c |
Herbert Vincent Buehl, F3/c | Jimmie Charles Burcham, S1/c | Leland Howard Burk, GM3/c |
William Jack Bush, ENS | Ralph Duncan Byard, CCStdA | Frank Monroe Campbell, ENS |
George Kilgore Campbell, CTCP | Ray Christian Carlson, S2/c | Carl Melvin Carson, S1/c |
Edwin Ray Chandler, S1/c | Noel B Chapman, S2/c | William Robert Chappell, S1/c |
Harlan Carl Christiansen, S2/c | Gordon Patea Chung-Hoon, LT | Marion Howard Clouser, GM1/c |
George W Coburn, S1/c | Charles Walter Coker, LT | Clyde Jefferson Combs, S1/c |
Daniel Jerome Condon, Lt(jg)(MC) | Louis Anthony Conter, QM3/c | Lonnie David Cook, S1/c |
Lloyd Edward Coole, S1/c | Norman Walter Coplin, S1/c | Ralph Victor Leon Corbin, S1/c |
Lyle Richard Cornelius, S2/c | Ray Charles Cosby, S1/c | John Madison Cox, Jr., LCDR |
Francis Burnard Gram Cozad, S2/c | Lee Raymond Crothers, BM1/c | Henry Mesa Cruz, MAtt1/c |
Donald Arthur Culp, S2/c | Anthony Francis Czarnecki, MM1/c | Alfred Eugene Daniel, GM1/c |
James Ashton Dare, ENS | Carl Everette Davis, GM3/c | Elvin Clay Davis, S1/c |
Henry Donald Davison, ENS | William Ernest Dean, BM1/c | John Davis Dearing, WT2/c |
Deward Decker, Cox | Joseph Charles Deserano, Mldr1/c | William Charles A Dickerson, RM2/c |
Merle Edward Dickinson, GM3/c | Clarence Junior Dobson, GM3/c | John Andrew Doherty, CGMP |
Timothy Albert Donegan, Prtr1/c | John Walter Doucett, GM3/c | Henry Barnett Duncan, FC3/c |
Tommie Wilson Duncan, BM2/c | Kenneth Eugene Edmondson, Cox | Paul Howard Egan, FC3/c |
Merle Elkins, S1/c | Lawrence Emmitt Elliott, MM1/c | George William Ellis, SC1/c |
James R. Enos, S2/c | Weldon Virgil Eskew, MM1/c | John Willard Evans, S1/c |
Elmer Everett Eversole, S1/c | Lawrence Oliver Eyman, S1/c | Francis Marion Falge, LT |
Lawrence Albert Farquhar, FC2/c | Paul Harding Faulkner, S1/c | Lawrence Edward Fay, GM3/c |
Nathaniel Felton, MAtt1/c | Jennings Pemble Field, ENS | William Ralph Finger, SM1/c |
Harry Lionel Fitch, ENS | Guy Spaulding Flanagan, Jr., ENS | Wendell Lee Flannery, Cox |
Dale Frederick Flory, WT2/c | James Leamon Forbis, Cox | James Park Foster, Jr., S1/c |
Ralph Edward Fowler, BM1/c | Robert Dale Fowler, S2/c | Glen Frazier, CGMP |
Everett Ellsworth Frye, S1/c | Samuel Glenn Fuqua, LCDR | William F. Gallagher, CEMP |
Jerome Harold Garfield, ENS | Walter James Gaskins, S1/c | Harold Woodson Gaut, S1/c |
Ellis Hugh Geiselman, CMDR | Dayton Merrill Genest, S1/c | Claud Clenton Gibson, S1/c |
Arthur Barnes Gilbert, S1/c | Charles M Gillem, S1/c | Charles Ervin Gillenwater, S1/c |
David W. Gillespie, S1/c | Richard Clyde Glenn, ENS | William Joseph Goldsberry, S1/c |
Donald Eugene Gordon, GM2/c | William Eugene Goshen, S1/c | Leon Grabowsky, ENS |
Donald Alexander Graham, AMM1/c | James Victor Gray, S1/c | Clay Douglas Green, Jr., S1/c |
James William Green, GM3/c | George Edwin Grim, GM1/c | Charles William Guerin, Jr., S1/c |
Andrew Guna, BM1/c | Howard Gustave Haerling, BM1/c | Raymond John Haerry, Cox |
Elsworth Fonzo Hamilton, ACMMP | James Edward Hamilton, S1/c | Vernon Hand, S1/c |
Paul Eugene Hargis, Y3/c | Oliver Virgil Harr, MM1/c | Allen Boyd Harrell, S1/c |
Henry Sherman Harris, S1/c | John David Harris, S1/c | James Willard Hart, F1/c |
Alfred Jack Hartland, S1/c | Richard Hauff, GM3/c | Douglas Hein, ENS |
Robert Henry Heinz, S1/c | Robert Marvin Hendon, CGMA | John William Henry, ENS |
Clarendon Robert Hetrick, S1/c | Richard Howe Hill, Y2/c | John Harold Hinton, CSMP |
Clarence Otto Hjelle, S2/c | Fred McKenzie Holland, S1/c | Roy Willard Holmes, S1/c |
Alfred James Homann, LT | Woodrow Robert Hooks, S2/c | Clifford Charles Hooper, RM2/c |
John Paul Howatt, ENS | James Curtis Hughes, S1/c | Lester DeLance Hull, S1/c |
Milton Thomas Hurst, AMM3/c | Edward Francis Hutchins, LT | Peter Huzar, WT1/c |
Charles Edward Hyslope, F1/c | Donald Inselman, S1/c | Edward Joseph Janikowski, Cox |
Warren Edwin Jeffers, S1/c | Donald R Johnson, S1/c | Neil Francis Johnson, Cox |
Brooxey J. Johnston, Jr., GM3/c | Hubert Hayes Jones, CWTP | Joe Frank Karb, CWTP |
C H Keener, GM3/c | Carl Emerson Keffer, S1/c | Bruce Draper Kelley, LCDR |
Guy Duane Kirk, S1/c | Walter Marlond Kissinger, MM1/c | Harold Joseph Kuhn, S1/c |
Stanley Robert Kurtz, S1/c | James Daniel Lancaster, S1/c | Ralph William Landreth, GM2/c |
Glenn Harvey Lane, RM3/c | Joseph Kopcho Langdell, ENS | Thomas Hurshel Lawrence, S1/c |
James Lenox Lawson, GM3/c | Leonard George Lawson, S1/c | Lindsay Ray Leighton, WT1/c |
Louis Lencses, GM3/c | George Birmingham Lenning, ENS | Curtis James Leopard, BM1/c |
William Edward Lewis, Lt(jg)(MC) | Jack Lawton Lindsey, S1/c | Russell Ardell Lott, S1/c |
Steven J Lukasavitz, S1/c | Donald E MacQueen, ENS | Billy Braun Mainwaring, F3/c |
John Malaski, S1/c | Everett Allen Malcolm, ENS | Joseph Mancuso, S1/c |
Charles Clark Mann, LT | Harry Bedford Marcum, CEMA | Edward Joseph Marks, Cox |
Kleber Sandlin Masterson, LT | Herbert Mattlage, ENS | John Harry McCarron, GM2/c |
Don Erwin McDonald, S1/c | Charles William McFall, GM1/c | Kenneth Kermit McKenna, SM1/c |
Earle Thomas Melvin, CFCP | John Howard Metcalf, S2/c | Thomas William Migliaccio, S2/c |
Harvey Hollis Milhorn, GM3/c | Jim Dick Miller, ENS | Donald Hugh Millikin, S2/c |
James Haile Mini, Lt(jg) | Stanley Robert Mode, EM1/c | Rolland Earl Mommer, BM2/c |
Thomas Daniel Murdock, CYA | Clay Henry Musick, S1/c | Jack Clement Mylan, SM2/c |
Grady Lee Nelson, Jr., S2/c | Bobby Earl Newell, S2/c | John Edward Nichols, RM1/c |
Stanley Joseph Niemara, S1/c | Edward Francis Joseph O’Brion, S1/c | Harold Eugene Oliphant, GM3/c |
Vernon James Olsen, S1/c | William Daniel Osborne, Jr., S1/c | Robert Hugh Osmond, FC3/c |
Vernon Magnus Osterberg, ENS | Clarence Wayne Otterman, GM2/c | Paul Ralph Owen, S1/c |
Patrocinio Pablo, OS1/c | Louis John Pacitti, GM3/c | William Whiteford Parker, S1/c |
Earl Henry Pecotte, GM2/c | William John Peil, BM2/c | Seth Harold Perry, S2/c |
Berwyn Robert Phipps, SF2/c | George Dewey Phraner, S2/c | George Franklin Pittard, LT |
Robert Leo Pitz, S1/c | Francis Lee Pollack, SC3/c | Stanley Harrison Port, Jr., Cox |
Ernest Mendum Posey, MM1/c | Howard Kenton Potts, Cox | Alfred Andrew Pousson, S2/c |
Richard William Probst, S1/c | Louis Alford Puckett, CMDR(SC) | William Robinson Purvis, F3/c |
Wallace Franklin Quillin, S1/c | Carl Frederick Rahn, Jr., S1/c | John Watson Rampley, GM3/c |
Millard Arthur Ramsdell, ENS | Everett Owen Reid, MM1/c | Eldon Ray Reifert, Cox |
Maurice David Rider, BM1/c | William Hull Ridley, RM3/c | Earl William Riner, GM3/c |
Lewis Perrin Robinson, S1/c | John Paul Rourke, S1/c | Welton Dana Rowley, LCDR |
Fred Lee Ruhlman, LT | Jack Ivan Sadler, S2/c | Joseph Stephen Sadowski, S1/c |
Elmer Larimore Sanders, GM1/c | Robert Isaac Sargent, Jr., S2/c | Herman Leroy Schafer, Jr., ENS |
Anthony Robert Schubert, ENS | William James Schumacher, WT1/c | Robert Fox Seeley, S2/c |
John Jackson Shaffer, III, LT | Ernest Maurice Shawn, GM3/c | Joseph Shebak, S1/c |
Martin Luther Shew, MM2/c | Claude William Simmons, Jr., S1/c | Clyde Crockett Smith, CEMA |
Harold Francis Smith, BM2/c | Roscoe Bryant Smith, GM3/c | William Hansford Smith, Jr., Cox |
Rutherford Hayes Snow, WT1/c | Thomas William Stanborough, Jr., S1/c | Don Harrison Starks, MM1/c |
Bernald Henry Stoffer, AMM1/c | Donald Gay Stratton, S1/c | Herbert Ronald Strong, Cox |
Jean Marcelle Stuart, S1/c | Aubry Randolph Sullivan, Cox | Laurence Ernest Tagtmeyer, CHGUN |
Murray L Tapp, S2/c | Stanley Marlin Teslow, GM2/c | Steven Joseph Thoma, EM3/c |
Norman Thompson, MACH | Glenwood Orris Trantham, BM1/c | Vernon Alva Travioli, S2/c |
Edward Daniel Tucker, BM2/c | Richard Newton Turner, Jr., S1/c | Edward Laverne Van Winkle, F2/c |
Keith Lloyd Velia, S2/c | James Allard Vessels, GM3/c | Daniel Vidal, MAtt1/c |
Vincent James Vlach, Jr., Y1/c | Charles A Von Spreckelsen, Ptr2/c | Edmund Leo Urbaniak, CARP |
Robert Eugene Wagner, S1/c | Rudolph Louis Wagner, CBMA | James Edward Walker, QM2/c |
Homan Leavell Walsh, ENS(SC) | James Robert Ward, S1/c | Kenneth T. Warriner, S2/c |
Russell Walter Warriner, S1/c | Joseph Henry Washington, MAtt1/c | Howard Lincoln Watson, BM1/c |
Richard Duncan Weaver, BM1/c | Frank Welch, Jr., ENS | Oree Cunningham Weller, S2/c |
Harold Leroy Wells, S1/c | Eddie Charles Welter, S1/c | Edward Louis Wentzlaff, AOM2/c |
Mark Austin West, CMMP | Clinton Howard Westbrook, S1/c | Thomas Arthur White, BM2/c |
John Francis Williams, GM3/c | Charles Leo Wilson, S1/c | Harold Green Wilson, Jr., F2/c |
James Louis Wise, S1/c | Edward Albert Zadik, S2/c |